Rohini (RTE-25) Spring White Tea – First Flush 2024 – Royal Series

 500.00 / 25 gms tin caddy

One of the rarest & exotic Darjeeling White Tea 2024 from Rohini Tea Estate. To produce this white tea only the youngest buds & leaves are required which can be available only in the first flush season. Rather than oxidizing this tea, we preferred sun-drying in a controlled method that preserves the unforgettable smooth, creamy, and fruity texture of this beautiful white tea. The picturesque dry leaves are greenish grey in appearance with lots of silvery tips which brews into a pale yellow color liquor. We can also feel a hint of honey, citrus & vanilla flavor in this tea.

Rohini is mostly the first garden to produce the first flush teas in Darjeeling. The tea bushes are grown and harvested at an elevation between 1500-3000 feet. The bushes are fresh as they have just come out of an extended period of the remaining inactive cause of the prolonged winters of almost about 2/3 months from the month of November to mid-January. The low temperature experienced during winter has given a very well-defined character to the tea.

First flush teas are known to be slightly oxidized to ensure that all the exquisite flavors are prominently present. This tea undergoes natural oxidation during the manufacturing process and as such, there is no induced oxidation for this tea. This Darjeeling White Tea 2024 is a true delight and one of our finest choice among many Darjeeling Tea.

darjeeling white tea 2024
Rohini (RTE-25) Spring White Tea – First Flush 2024 – Royal Series
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